《中英對照讀新聞》Why eating males pays off... for spiders/對蜘蛛而言,為什麼吃光雄性很值得?
Female spiders who eat would-be suitors produce more babies, and those babies are stronger and bigger, than spiders who stick to more mundane fare, researchers reported on Tuesday.
And the merciless mother spiders waited until they had mated with another -- ensuring they would hatch spiderlings -- before consuming their new beaux, the researchers found.
They said their study is the first "natural" experiment to prove correct the old folklore about spiders, and said it also shows why such behaviour might be beneficial.
"Now we know that, at least in one species, sexual cannibalism benefiting females occurs in nature," Dr. Jordi Moya-Larano of the Estacion Experimental de Zonas Aridas in Spain, who led the study, said in a statement.
The Mediterranean tarantulas in the study did not eat their mates, but instead ate males before courtship -- and usually after the females had already mated with another male, the researchers found.
pay off:片語,有益…(人、物)。Working hard did pay off.(努力工作真的有回報)
sexual cannibalism:生物學用語,通常翻譯為「性食」或「性食同類」,指昆蟲及部分生物間,雌性會在交配後吃掉雄性。