《中英對照讀新聞》Seductive chemicals hidden in sloppy kisses 激情濕吻挑逗人
◎管淑平 Seductive chemicals are hidden in sloppy kisses, scientists say, but even the most chaste caress can spark an intense hormonal response. 激情舌吻中暗藏能挑逗人的化學物質,科學家說,但是即使最保守的愛撫也能引發強烈的荷爾蒙反應。 Men in general seem to like wet kisses with more "tongue action," said anthropologist Helen Fisher of Rutgers University, and wet kisses could be an unconscious attempt to transfer testosterone to the woman, which would stimulate her sexual interest. 男人整體來說似乎喜歡有更多「舌頭動作」的濕吻,羅格斯大學的人類學家費雪說,濕吻可能是下意識地試圖把男性激素傳遞到女性體內,這會激發她們的「性」趣。 "Men see kissing early in a relationship directly as a step to copulation," she said. 「男人直接把一段感情初期的接吻視為邁向交配的一步。」她說。 Kissing can certainly open the door to sex, Fisher said,but it can also close it: a recent study found that the first kiss was the "kiss of death" for budding relationships. 接吻當然能打開性愛的大門,費雪說,但是它也能關了這道門:一份近期研究發現,初吻對剛萌芽的兩性關係是「一吻定江山」。 "Should you drool more? You don’t want to turn off your partner," Fisher warned. 「你是否應該吻得更激情點?你不會想打壞你的情人的興致。」費雪警告。 Kissing may also serve as a way to assess the quality of a mate, said Wendy Hill, a neuroscientist at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania. Technique aside, the chemical cocktail of saliva may tell us if the person we’re kissing is a genetically appropriate choice to mate with. 接吻或許也能當作一種評估交配對象素質的方式,賓州拉法耶學院神經科學家西爾說。除了技巧之外,唾液中所含的諸多化學物質或許能告訴我們,我們正在接吻的這個人是否是遺傳上適合交配的對象。 新聞辭典: sloppy kiss:名詞,濕吻、舌吻。 budding:形容詞,剛萌芽的。 例句:Their budding relationship was ended in just 2 weeks because she couldn’t stand his always too sloppy kisses.(他們才剛開始的感情兩週就結束了,因為她受不了他老是太激情的舌吻。) drool:動詞,原意為流口水,這篇文中drool more意指舌吻得更激烈。
《中英對照讀新聞》Railway station bans kissing火車站禁止接吻
Couples have been banned from kissing at a railway station in Cheshire because it holds up other passengers.
No-kissing signs have appeared in the taxi rank at Warrington Bank Quay Station forcing lovers to use designated areas only.
The signs were erected after concerns that passionate embraces were causing delays for commuters at the station which is believed to be the first in the country to put up such signs.
Ruth Sargeant, 38, who uses the station to travel to Manchester, said: "It’s ridiculous. I don’t see the point of having a no-kissing area, surely people are entitled to say their goodbyes."
Colin Daniels, chief executive of the Warrington Chamber of Commerce who came up with the idea, said: "They may seem frivolous but there is a serious message underneath."
put up:片語,豎立、搭建或張貼。例句:The boy put up a tent by himself.(這男孩自力搭建帳篷。)
come up with:片語,提出、想出。例句:He could always come up with a reason to stay up late.(他總是能想出熬夜的理由。)
frivolous:形容詞,輕浮的、無足輕重的、無聊的。例句。He is frivolous with the teacher.(他對老師的舉止輕浮。)