2011-6-13 |
中英對照讀新聞 - Brooding men, smiling women seen as sexy? 憂鬱男、微笑女被視為性感?
Attention men : if you’re looking to ramp up your sex appeal and get the girl, wipe that smile off your face. Look brooding or take on a swaggering pose instead. 男人注意:若要增加你對異性的吸引力、把到妹,就收起你臉上的笑容,換上鬱悶或一副高傲的模樣。 According to a new University of B.C. study, women find pride more attractive than a broad smile with men while men find a smile more attractive than pride with women. 根據卑詩大學的一份新研究,女人認為男人驕傲比一臉燦爛笑容更有吸引力,男人則認為,微笑的女人比高傲女迷人。 The study published online in the American Psychological Association journal Emotion showed pictures of the opposite sex to both men and women. Participants were then asked for their initial reactions on sexual attractiveness based the expressions they saw. 這份在美國心理學會期刊「情緒」網路版發表的研究,給參與實驗的男、女性看異性的照片,然後詢問他們對所見人物表情性感程度的直覺反應。 While showing a happy face is considered essential to friendly social interactions, "men who smile were considered fairly unattractive by women," said Jessica Tracy, a psychology professor who directed the study. 儘管笑臉迎人被視為是友善社交往來的基本,但「微笑的男人對女人相當沒吸引力」,指導這份研究的心理學教授崔西說。 The men’s reaction was just the opposite. "Women who smile are absolutely very attractive. That was by far the most attractive expression women showed," Tracy said. 男人的反應正好相反。「微笑的女人絕對非常迷人。那是到目前為止,女性所呈現最有吸引力的表情,」崔西說。 新聞辭典: ramp up:動詞片語,加強、提高。例句:We should ramp up production to support the high season.(我們應該提高產量因應旺季需求。) brooding:形容詞,鬱悶的、沉思的。例句:An unhappy childhood leads to his brooding teenage life. (不快樂的童年導致他青少年時期鬱鬱寡歡。) swaggering :形容詞,趾高氣昂的、神氣的。例句:I’m just pissed-off with his swaggering manners.(他狂妄的態度讓我很火大。) |